At Home
I live with my partner Jim Shiflett in a round stone house, in the shadow of Arizona’s Chiricahua Mountains. We watch the seasons cycle, watch the comings and goings of hummingbirds and of marauding Javelinas, and treasure the rich hours spent with friends in the Portal-Rodeo community. So, being home is good . . . but so is being footloose in the wide, wild world!
My Art
My art is anchored in wilderness, inseparable from days spent afield. I seek to portray the dignity of each species — to really see, fully and freshly — and then to create intimate portraits of wildlife, doing what it actually does. I’d like for you to be able to look at the artwork, and see the living creature, wary or confiding, intent or relaxed, but always alive.
Tour Leading
For 30 years, I guided birding and natural history tours on 6 continents, before retiring from guiding in 2012.
Field Biology
Special research projects have included a long-term study of the birds of the Diamond A (or Gray) Ranch in southwestern New Mexico; work with Janet Ruth on wintering grassland sparrows in southern Arizona; assistance for various bird-banding and field-survey projects; and work with endangered Stephen’s Kangaroo Rats in Riverside County, California.

B.A. in Biology, University of California, Riverside in 1985.
Tour Leading
Field Biology
Education & Affiliations